CHUNKY Habits:
A Journery To Self-Discovery and Transformation | By Dr. Emmanuel Eni Amadi
Lars Chittka - a Professor of Sensory & Behavioural Ecology at Queen Mary University of London, said that Bumblebees are capable of “observing,” “learning,” and “acquiring” new skills - forming habits out of these Behaviours.
This book comes with only 3 steps or the 3Rs of Habitual Change - a powerful tool for cutting high-impact goals, streamlining workflow, freeing up your mental space, and boosting productivity. With insights from the strategic adaptation of a former heavyweight champion, Anthony Joshua, to Rolls-Royce's pioneering excellence and Rolex's transformative business habits, there are valuable leadership lessons to be gleaned from their journeys.
CHUNKY Habits by Dr Emmanuel Amadi has helped millions of people in the UK and around the world in both the private and public sector organizations to increase productivity in less time. This book has been adapted by business training managers with transformative and impactful results.