Dr. Emmanuel Eni Amadi, PhD, MBA, MSc, PGDip., B.Pharm.
Dr Emmanuel Eni Amadi
PhD, MBA, PGDip., MSc, B.Pharm, MRPharmS
Doctor of Nanotoxicology | Leadership Consultant | Published Author | Founder & CEO of Amadi Global™ Leadership Academy, Emotional Rulershipp™ With IMPACT™ Blueprint™, & Amadi Global Publishing Book Club. Author of 5 Books, including “Chunky Habits,” “Corporate Warriors,” “Unmasking The Power Within,” “Emotional Rulership,” & “Starting a Successful £1Million Business” Available on Amazon (Click here)
I am of the School of Thought, following the footsteps of my leadership mentor - the Founder of Bahamas Faith Ministry International (BFMI) and the late world-renowned visionary leader - Dr. Myles Munroe - that, “Everyone is born a leader in an area of gifting, but not everyone has the capacity to lead.”
Leadership comes in various forms,, shapes, and sizes. Some came as parents, cleaners, and babysitters. Others are employees, aspiring entrepreneurs, and small business owners. A few minorities are found in the corridors of power in Government as ministers, mayors, Higher Education, Healthcare, and Industry bosses. We are all in denial of what true Leadership is all about.
Paradoxically, the concept of leadership is still viewed by Billions around the world as “an office” or a “position” reserved for the “selected few” - the oligarchs, a special breed of people born from “certain” families, and so forth - thereby permitting the few minorities without character in leadership and moral compass to control their future, their emotions and their feelings.
Who is Dr Emmanuel Eni Amadi?
Dr Emmanuel Eni Amadi PhD, MBA, PGDip., MSc, B.Pharm. is a Doctor of Nanotoxicology. He is an instructor and educator and provides consultancy in the areas of pulmonary/ respiratory nanotoxicology and nano-safety of inhaled engineered nanomaterials.
As a leadership and academic enthusiast who found “the meaning of Life” through the corridors of education and theology, he is a Harvard University-trained Leadership Consultant on Strategic Leadership and Emotional Intelligence (Division of Continuing Education, Cambridge, USA (2019).
He obtained his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Medical Sciences, from the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom (4th Dec. 2019) with specialties in Nanotoxicology, Genotoxicology, Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles, DNA Damage with respect to oncology/lung cancer Genomics, emphysema, asthma, and COPD.
Before receiving his PhD, Dr Amadi held an Executive MBA (Executive Masters in Business Administration from the Lancaster University Management School, 2011); MBA Master Class, Doing Business in China (DBiC)/International Business in Concept (Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Beijing, China (2011)); Aspiring Non-Executive Directors programme (Cass Business School, City, the University of London (2018); PGDip (Brighton), MSc (Loughborough) & B.Pharm (UNN).
His doctorate research at the UoB was focused on exploring at the molecular level of the human DNA, the pulmonary effects of graphene-oxide-induced nanoparticle-DNA damage, potential adverse outcomes, future nanomedical applications as drug-delivery nano-adjuvants, and novel mechanisms of nanotoxicity; chemotherapy agents; and high-frequency radiation in radiotherapy in clinical practice from the ambulatory/ Respiratory clinic, Bradford Royal Infirmary.
Under the supervision of Professor Diana Anderson, and Dr. Mojgan Najafzadeh, Assistant Professor, in the School of Chemistry and Bioscience, his PhD Thesis is entitled: “Effects of Graphene Oxide in vitro on DNA Damage in Human Whole Blood and Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes From Healthy Individuals and Pulmonary Disease Patients: Asthma, COPD and Lung Cancer.
Click here to visit the University of Bradford’s Repository to view, read, or download his doctoral thesis).
His long-term ambition is to be a leader in the field of nanotoxicology and make contributions to nano-bioscience by focusing on how exposure to particulate matter from multinational air pollution, emerging technologies, nanomedical devices, and consumer products impact the integrity of the human lungs at the molecular level of the DNA.
Dr Amadi is the Founder & CEO of The AMADI GLOBAL™ a parent Corporate Conglomerate of a series of firms based in the City of Glasgow, Scotland; Founder & CEO of Emotional Rulershipp™ With IMPACT™ Blueprint™.
His other ambition in the next ten years is to help thousands of people around the world Rediscover their hidden Leadership potential, and lead their teams, resources, and organizations with maximum IMPACT using his Emotional Rulershipp™ with IMPACT™ Blueprint™ which he developed in 2022.
Guest Researcher
In September 2017, Dr Amadi was a Guest Researcher at the Environmental Health Department, National Institute of Health (NIH), Porto, Portugal, in collaboration with the Director of the Institute, Dr João Paulo Fernandes Teixeira, where he worked on the DNA damage/genotoxicity of Graphene oxide nanoparticles on human blood samples.
Invited Speaker at World Conferences
As a Nanotoxicologist and expert in Pulmonary Nanotoxicology in relation to asthma, COPD, and lung cancer, Dr Amadi was an invited speaker at some of the prestigious World Conferences in Nanotechnology - including:
The Nano Boston World Conference, Boston Newton, Boston, MA, USA (April 2019).
Research Seminar, Department of Translational Medicine (Skagg Building), University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, USA (Sept 2019).
InterNano Conference, Katowice, Poland (16-17 Oct. 2019); and
Various universities across the UK - where he delivered his lectures on various topics which mattered in the worlds of Science and Business, and the Nanotoxicology of Graphene Oxide on Human DNA, tumour /Gene Expression.
His Passion
Dr Emmanuel Eni Amadi is passionate about teaching and teaches Applied and Diagnostic Pathology to medical, biomedical, and pharmacy students online and leadership and management executive education programmes online.
He is very passionate about understanding Human Emotions in Leadership, and behaviours: Reactions versus Responses in the face of challenging times.
Understanding The mind of God - his original purpose and precept in creating emotions - is the key to achieving “exceedingly above all things that we ask or think, according to the power working in us” (Ephesians 3:20).
His burning passion led to his three-year research on Emotions and Emotional Intelligence (EQ)/IQ. This desire saw him attend his professional development programme on EI at Harvard University’s Extension School’s Division of Continuing Education.
The outcome of his research led to the publication of his latest books in August 2023: Unmasking the Power Within: Mastering the 5 Forces of Self-Awareness for Extraordinary Leadership, and in 2022, “Emotional Rulership: How Emotions, Principles, Laws, and Emotional Intelligence Affect You as a LEADER.”
In the book, Dr Amadi concluded that:
In his concept of Emotional Rulership, Dr Amadi postulates that “rulership”, “governance or leadership over resources (not over people) or the slightest thought of reaching one’s goals or destiny or destination in life transcend well above intelligence - both IQ and EQ.
Emotional Rulership, he says, “allows you to see the future (the unseen) from the beginning (the seen) and provides the path towards leading a life of which you had dreamt of as a young toddler.”
Dr. Amadi’s passion is to help individuals, employees, political office holders, business Executives, corporate organizations, cleaners, hairdressers, parents, and undergraduates to maximize their potential with maximum IMPACT using the Emotional Rulershipp™ With Impact™ - a Leadership Blueprint he developed in 2022 to champion this passion.
His Life Philosophy:
Dr Amadi’s life philosophy is, “Nothing CHANGES in Your Lifestyle, until your Emotions and Thinking CHANGE.”
His Life Philosophy is based on Isaac Newton’s 3 basic Laws of Motion (eMotion = Energy in Motion), which are explained on the blog page. Click Here.
Previously, Dr Amadi served as a Non-Executive Director/Board Trustee, The Oak Learning Partnership - a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) - consisting of Special Secondary & Primary Schools in Bury, Greater Manchester (04/2018 -2020), and a School Governor at St. John Bosco R.C. Primary School, Manchester, UK where he provided strategic oversight to the Heads of the Schools. In 2011, He was a member of the MBA group of Consultants from Lancaster University Management which carried out a Consultancy service on Equality and Inclusion in the recruitment of minority groups in the Police Force for the Merseyside Police Training Academy, Liverpool.
Establish-Package-and-Sale Strategy
As a serial entrepreneur, he creates businesses from scratch, nurtures them to profitability, and sells them to bigger companies.
For instance, he was the Founder/CEO of a number of businesses in Manchester, England, UK including, a pharmaceutical Wholesale Business, a Mail Order/ Distance-Selling pharmacy, a contractor to the UK National Health Service (NHS), a Clothing Brand, and a Mini-Grocery Superstore.
Research/Scholarship Awards
He is a recipient of International Research Awards, including:
The Ebonyi State | HiPACT Overseas Full International Scholarship (2001) in the UK;
The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)- for research in Porto, Portugal, and
The Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust, London, UK towards his doctoral research.
Family Life Matters:
Dr. Amadi lives with his wife in the City of Glasgow - Scotland’s most populous city. Both are blessed with two grown-up boys: Michael Chidozie Amadi (aka Dodo), and Anthony Chibuike Amadi (aka Chibyke).
Dr Amadi at Harvard University Extension School, Cambridge, USA (2019)